Miceál Anthony completed his undergraduate at Dublin Business School and completed further education at the London School of Economics.
Miceál Anthony comes from a highly entrepreneurial family and has always witnessed first-hand how to grow a business and create stakeholder value. From an early age Miceál Anthony has been exposed to very senior management teams both in Ireland and internationally. In 2015, Miceál Anthony’s management experience started when he moved to join the executive program of Carillion Plc. Working across various locations in the UK, Miceál Anthony experienced time with the property development team in Oxfordshire and the executive team in Maddox Street, London.
Since 2017 he set up and held the Managing Director role of various companies from manufacturing to property management where he gained extensive knowledge and experience in these companies. In 2018 he amalgamated these companies with the family property development and construction business to form the Quantum Group.
Now with a group of companies, as Managing director Miceal Anthony's role will be focused on the growth of the group and the delivery of quality homes across the groups various sites.